In the USA she continues her sex-trade and spreading pesky STDs.

Marina Noble is a famous prostitute, trashed and discarded from her homeland Armenia for a good reason. Some of her emails (out of countless others):, ,, This hate-site is opened and operated by a Massachusetts criminal, an Armenian immigrant Marina Noble (former Marine Mkhitaryan).Ĥ Repton Circle, Unit 4101 (first floor), Watertown, MA 02472

IM NOT JOINING THAT! She said fine and gave me the number to call to refund me my money and hung up.

Thats when i told her REFUND ME MY MONEY. So i called her and told her to refund me my money im not doing none of that program! She had me on the phone for like 30 min telling me i was giving up and not to listen to my parents. I cried i was so tired!!! I went home n the next day i decided no im not going to go door to door teaching people about this. And literary crammed a week worth of information in one day!! I gave her the money and left for the day. The lady said to go in for an orientation the next day. Im like yess please! My dad gave me the 150 to start off and then i paid one something for saving a spot for me on a trip. I talked to my parents about it and they said wellll we will help u pay for for that ifff you really want to. I left that day feeling uneasy not excited i got a job.
#Php agency scam license#
hmm sure!! (I was in a big need of a job) she tells me i had to pay 150 for a license or programs then like 300 for a trip. Then she said okay im hiring you! In like a 20 min interview!! Im like. So i applied through a friend of a friend that posted on fb they were hiring. So you quitter out there? This is not for YOU! I believe I am good and honest person, I will continue learning the words and I am taking some action to prove to you all that PHP HELP PEOPLE like me! this is NOT a scam!!! You need at least 2-3 years to establish like any business out there! It is simple but it's a lot of hard work. Not only you will gain knowledge it'll changed your personality to love yourself more! You will not make millions overtime here. Not making money yet but working on higher commission, promotions and recruiting my business partners! I don't work for PHP but I get all the help than I can get! And everyone are so nice specially Marketing Directors.
#Php agency scam free#
are scam? These financial companies has been here since the 1800's! Helping people to get out of debt is NOT a scam! Recruiting Life Insurance Agent is not a scam! In fact you can do this without quitting your current job! PHP will train you to become a successful Life Insurance Producer and if you work hard enough to become a broker and have your own Financial Agency! Where can you find $150 to start your own business w/ so much FREE training tools, materials and classroom training twice a week! I bet you have to pay 350K to franchise starbucks! I have been in PHP for 4 months, just got my license and appointed. Helping people to prepare from unexpected loss and plan for retirement or College fund for your child is NOT a scam! Marketing and selling products such Life Insurance, Annuity, 401K rollover, IRA of Companies like Nationwide, AIG, Foresters, Fedelity, Metlife etc.